The iPad Evolution

There is already talk that the 10 inch iPad is just the beginning and more stuff is on the way. Here is what I think will happen. The touch screen will be integrated into the MacBooks and iMac. But it won’t work on the Mac OSX side. Instead you will touch something and the screen will flip into an iPad mode. For a MacBook you can then operate it like an iPad or switch and use it as a laptop. They will share files and disk space but that is likely to be it. That way you can carry around a MacBook and iMac as an all-in-one device. Add to that some MicroSIM card and some network unlocking and you will then have a laptop you can use overseas at reasonable data rates. All speculation but it makes sense to me at least.

5 thoughts on “The iPad Evolution”

  1. I dunno about the ‘using overseas at reasonable rates’ bit. Is there any reason to think that the 3G deal being offered with the iPad even works overseas (much less at ridiculous roaming prices?)


  2. After waiting a few days for the iPad hype to settle down and realizing that it does nothing that’s particularly innovative (other than provide more opportunities to expand the walled Apple garden), I think some dialogue from ‘Stand By Me’ (1987) sums up the question of what is an iPad for?

    Character 1: Alright, alright, Mickey’s a mouse, Donald’s a duck, Pluto’s a dog. What’s Goofy?

    Character 2: Goofy’s a dog. He’s definitely a dog.

    Character 1: He can’t be a dog. He drives a car and wears a hat.

    Character 2: Oh, God. That’s weird. What the hell is Goofy?


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