“What really went wrong for Borders and Angus & Robertson” on The Conversation

Final Closing Down Sale at A&R

” data-medium-file=”https://coreeconomicsblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/arclosingdown.jpg?w=300″ data-large-file=”https://coreeconomicsblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/arclosingdown.jpg?w=320″ class=”size-full wp-image-6852″ title=”Final Closing Down Sale at A&R” src=”https://i0.wp.com/economics.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/arclosingdown.jpg” alt=”” width=”224″ height=”168″/>
Final Closing Down Sale at A&R

Today, Melbourne University along with 8 other University partners and CSIRO launches a new media venture, The Conversation. It will present independent commentary by academics and researchers. The Business+Economy section features my article on “What really went wrong for Borders and Angus & Robertson.” Using publicly available data I explore several explanations for the demise of REDgroup, the firm which owned and operated the Borders and A&R stores in this region. Drop by to read the article and share your thoughts at:

Author: kwanghui


5 thoughts on ““What really went wrong for Borders and Angus & Robertson” on The Conversation”

  1. Seconded – where’s the RSS feed

    Also, you need to have a non-facebook option for logging in to comment, I’m not going to allow you the access you want just to comment on a blog

    But interesting post ?


  2. Talk about not understanding online workings.

    I’d echo the above comment – the site can’t /won’t succeed while it requires facebook or twitt logins to comment. Silly.

    Who made that decision?


  3. Hi David, Martin and Francis – I have forwarded your feedback to the folks who run The Conversation. They are still in beta so I suspect RSS and other features will eventually make their way in.


  4. Here’s a reply from Jack Rejtman:
    Based on your feedback (and others), we have since added RSS and updated comments [to theconversation.edu.au]. We will be opening up the system to allow more people to participate shortly.


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