Our former blogger, now Labor MP, Andrew Leigh’s research along with our current but silent recently blogger Christine Neil had their research quoted by none other than Bill O’Reilly. Just watch.
This significant on many levels. First of all, O’Reilly is using the research to argue for tighter gun controls. And he is doing so as convincingly as anyone. Second, when those on the other side of the political spectrum start supporting something traditionally from the other side that means that the tide is turning. Third, Rupert Murdoch has stated that he favours tighter gun controls. Is this evidence that he will exert some influence on Fox News when he needs to?
Anyhow, kudos to our academics for seeing opportunity when it wasn’t topical and doing the hard work in evaluating Australian policy. It does a service to the world. I really hope one day, Andrew, you might do it again.
Josh, didn’t we just get through discussing this? First, you obviously don’t watch O’Reilly on a regular basis because this point-of-view is very consistent for him. He is definitely no libertarian and almost always comes down on the side of government-imposed restrictions to effect a solution to a problem. Second, he often gets his facts wrong, as he does here (and as you are well aware) by saying the research demonstrates an overall drop in homicide rates. That’s false. Australian homicide rates (due to all causes) have remained essentially flat and, now, appear to be increasing.
Unlike your earlier post, which struck me as quite thoughtful and dispassionate, this one leans toward pure advocacy. You are, of course, free to use your blog to advocate your preferences … but that’s a lot less interesting to readers like myself who come here to escape such.
Wow that is cool! Well done Andrew. Michael, I read Joshua as simply suggesting these events are significant. You do not sound like a dispassionate libertarian anymore. But perhaps I am still learning your perspective.