Book launches in Sydney and Canberra on May 1 and 2

Tomorrow, there is a book launch of ‘An Economic Theory of Greed, Love, Groups, and Networks‘ at UNSW, hosted by Professor Chris Styles, Director of the Australian Graduate School of Business. It starts at 6pm and is in the JBR Theatre (AGSM building) of the Kensington Campus. Day after tomorrow, Andrew Leigh will host another book launch in Canberra at University House (the Common Room) starting at 6. Everyone is welcome to walk into the Sydney launch, rsvp’s are appreciated for the Canberra one.

Author: paulfrijters

Professor of Wellbeing and Economics at the London School of Economics, Centre for Economic Performance

2 thoughts on “Book launches in Sydney and Canberra on May 1 and 2”

  1. Will there be a book launch in Melbourne? If so, can you please provide the details? Thanks and looking forward to getting a copy of this!


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