Mathtype in Word 2007

Just an FYI for those wanting to use Mathtype with Word 2007. It can be done: here are the very easy to follow instructions. 

1. Copy the MathType Commands file to the Microsoft Word Startup Folder:

a. Locate the file, MathType Commands 5 for If you installed MathType to its default location (c:Program files) this file will be found at: C:Program FilesMathTypeOffice Support If you installed MathType to another location this path must be adjusted accordingly.  

b. Locate the file, MathType Commands 5 for and right-click it and choose Copy. 

c. Navigate to C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12Startup 

d. In this Startup Folder, right-click and choose Paste. This will copy the MathType Commands 5 for into the Startup folder. 

2. Copy the MathPage.wll file to the Microsoft Word Startup Folder: 

a. Locate the file MathPage.wll. If you installed MathType to its default location (c:Program files) this file will be found at:  

C:Program FilesMathTypeMathPage If you installed MathType to another location this path must be adjusted accordingly.  

b. Locate the file, MathPage.wll and right-click it and choose Copy. 

c. Navigate to C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12Startup 

d. In this Startup Folder, right-click and choose Paste. This will copy the MathPage.wll into the Startup folder. 

Addressing Trust (Security) settings: 

If your trust settings are such that copying the above mentioned files to C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12Startup still results in MathType not working and a message appears saying that Macros are disabled, these files must be copied instead to a different location as follows: 

C:Documents and Settings<User Account Name>Application SupportMicrosoftWordStartup  

If by custom installation your trusted startup folder is in a different location, Microsoft Word 2007 can help you find it. Here’s how to locate the trusted startup folder location using Word. 

1. Launch Word 2007 

2. From the Office Button drop-down menu choose Word Options 

3. In the resulting window choose Resources from the left, and from the right press the About button 

4. In the next window press the System Info Button 

5. In the resulting window click to expand Microsoft Office 2007 Applications 

6. Then click to expand Microsoft Word 2007 

7. Locate and click once on Startup 

8. The pane at right will indicate the path for the currently installed Trusted Word Startup folder. 

Simply follow the procedures mentioned above but copy both the MathType Commands 5 for and MathPage.wll files into this location instead. This is considered a “Trusted location” and will allow the macros to run when you launch Microsoft Word.  

When you start Word 2007, you will see a new Tab called Add-ins Click this tab to reveal the MathType toolbar and the MathType Menu. 

25 thoughts on “Mathtype in Word 2007”

  1. Thank you very much for your tip! I’ve just followed it step by step and everthing seems to work fine using Windows Vista and Word 2007.



  2. that is a perfect direction. MathType is working for me in MSWord 2007 after I followed the instructions. Thanks very much


  3. is there a way to easily access mathtype in excell, like in word, or do we have to do the same as in PowerPoint by selecting Insert Object>MathType 6.0 Equation? great job by the way, worked great. Thanks!


  4. The first time after the installation MathType was working well. In some point it just disappeared.
    Thanks to this article, I managed getting it tab back to Word 2007.

    Thanks very much!


  5. Thanks SO much- my folder was in the wrong place so the last part was incerdibly helpful!

    My coursework will be so much easier now!


  6. Thank you sooooo much. I had lost the mathtype tab and tried many things I could get my hands on google. Your instructions saved me. I can now use Mathtype in Word 2007.

    Thanks again.


  7. The trick works well but there are major issue after it’s done. The word 2007 cannot copy and paste within a document anymore. Anytime you paste some thing, Mathtype automatically runs
    That sucks!


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